
May 21, 2024
Opening of the exhibition Dialogue,
final semester work of the course Portrait Photography
Authors: AAU students Clara MacPherson (USA) and Volodymyr Dividenko (Ukraine).
Under the guidance of lecturer Dragin Dragan
May 17, 2024
Final work of students Documentary Photography and Video Storytelling at AAU under the guidance of lecturer Bjorn Steinz
April 18, 2024
A word from the author
20 years ago, a whole new process began in my photography It was a series called Woods, in which I explored the boundaries between consciousness and the unconscious. I was taking photographs while trying to observe the scene in front of unencumbered by a mental concept. After photographing Woods, I followed it with a series of photographs called Northern Light. It started spontaneously on the coast of the Netherlands and continued in Finland and Norway. This series itself as a kind of contemplative reflection to the uninitiated to the uninitiated observer, it looks more like a series of good landscape photographs. Ladak came in 2009 as the crown jewel of that process of finding life's contexts in the landscape and mediated by the photo camera
ŽIŽKOV 1994 - 1996
April 21,2023
An excursion throw time by Bjorn Steinz:
In 1994, I moved to Prague to study photography at the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU), five years after the Velvet Revolution. By accident, I found my first apartment in Prague 3 - Žižkov, the neighborhood where I still partly reside after all those years. The idea for the project was to document the changes in the neighborhood, and I took photographs between 1994 and 1996. "
May 29,2023
February 01,2023
Curated by AAU student, Klara Mahous, was off to a smashing start with a performance from Tadeaš Kotrba.
Using a hammer, Kotrba (born 1986) violently broke apart a printed plaster copy of a Renaissance-era fresco by Lorenzo di Pietro featured in the Santa Maria Della Scala in Siena, Italy. Leaving it in clean-cut blocks atop a pile of broken sculpture pieces by Kotrba’s father, Marius Kotrba. The ruins of this violence, which was done in the window-shelf space of the Reunion Gallery, remain a centerpiece of this impressive exhibit.

May 13, 2022
Final Exhibits for Art Studio class
Documentary Photography, Intro to Digital Photography & Video Storytelling - lecturer/artist BJORN STEINZ
May 26, 2022
Ready-made objects , are meant to recreate a scene - a person in their
house, they look in the mirror, they
feed the fish - and everywhere they
go, the traces of their identity folow
Artist Remi Emris final art studio
project / mentor Jana Babincova

October , 2020
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May, 2019
Výstava SNAPSHOTS je kolekce fotografií která vznikla v Iránu na podzím roku 1999.Fotograf Tačevski se do Iránu dostal jako kameraman výpravy kterou za účelem natačení dokumentarních filmů o životě v krizových oblastech a porušení lidských prav na Středním východě podnikla organizace Člověk v tísní.Zachitil jedineční situace které po 20 let pobytu v archivu autora mají silní rys prožité zkušenosti a promlouváji o několika podstatních aspektech Iránské společnosti z té doby.
Kurátorka/Curated by Biljana Golubovic

December 6,2018
December 12, 2017
Série výstav "Vizuální geopolitika"
Výstava fotografa Bjoerna Steinze se zabývá kontrastem mezi tradiční a moderní jihokorejskou společností.
Series of exhibitions "Visual Geopolitics"
Photographer Bjoern Steinz's exhibition explores the contrast between traditional and modern South Korean society.
Kurátorka/Curated by Biljana Golubovic
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Pop - up Event
Featuring live painting by Alexey Shahov
and David Čáp curated by Nicole Slusser
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